Parents Without Partners Australia [ 1967 – ]
Full name of organisation | Parents Without Partners Australia |
Short description | In 1967, Parents Without Partners was established in Australia with official approval and licence of the parent body in America. It initially began in Melbourne and was quickly set up in NSW and QLD. In 1971 a National Council was formed combining all of the States and Territories. Parents Without Partners is a non-profit organisation that aims to protect the interests and welfare of sole parents and their children. This includes any parent who is alone whether through divorce, death, seperation or by choice. |
Start date | 1967 |
Organisation type | Community Group |
Location (places) | Queensland, QLD, Australia [ Administrative.State ] |
URLs | | | |
Group Affiliation(s) | Family Focused |
Linked from | The Karmel Report 1973 (Federal: School Education) |