
Deaf Society of NSW [ 1913 – ]

Full name of organisationDeaf Society of NSW
Short descriptionEstablished in 1913, the Deaf Society of NSW has been steadfast in promoting “Equity for Deaf People.” Since its founding at a meeting in the Sydney Town Hall on October 20, 1913, through to its centenary in October 2013, the Deaf Society has dedicated itself to serving the Deaf Community of NSW. Throughout its history, the organisation has emphasized partnership and advocacy, evolving into a bilingual and bicultural community organisation. Today, its mission focuses on advocating for the rights of deaf individuals and facilitating their full participation in all aspects of society.
Start date1913
Organisation typeCommunity Group
Location (places)New South Wales, NSW, Australia [ Administrative.State ]
Group Affiliation(s)Disability / Inclusive Education
Linked fromThe Carrick Report 1989 (NSW: School Education)