
Hunter Women in Education [ 1975 – ]

Full name of organisationHunter Women in Education
Short descriptionIn 1975, during International Women’s Year, the Working Women’s Centre (now the Hunter Women’s Centre) was established with federal government funding allocated for projects focused on women. This center was created to address a wide range of women’s issues, including health, welfare, education, employment, recreation, and legal matters. It specifically aimed to support migrant women through language services and assist working women with childcare services. The Centre initiated community welfare programs, discussion groups, self-help programs, and maintained a library of feminist literature.

The Hunter Women’s Centre continues to provide essential services to women in the Hunter region. The services offered by the Hunter Women’s Centre acknowledge and confront the impact of gender on women’s health, taking a comprehensive approach to supporting women across various aspects of their lives.
Start date1975
Organisation typeCommunity Group
Location (places)Newcastle, NSW, Australia [ Administrative.City ]
Group Affiliation(s)Gender / Sexuality
Linked fromThe Carrick Report 1989 (NSW: School Education)