Muslim Women Association [ 1983 – ]
Full name of organisation | Muslim Women Association |
Short description | Muslim Women Australia – formerly Muslim Women Association, was established in 1983, making them over 35 years old. Their vision is to provide Australian women of diverse backgrounds with the opportunities to enable them to actively participate in and contribute to Australia’s culturally and religiously diverse society. They are committed to fairness, equality and justice in all our interactions and activities that support women from diverse backgrounds. |
Start date | 1983 |
Organisation type | Community Group |
Thumbnail or Logo | |
Location (places) | Lakemba, NSW, Australia [ Administrative.City ] |
URLs | | | | | | | |
Group Affiliation(s) | Gender / Sexuality |
Ethnic / Multicultural | |
Linked from | The Carrick Report 1989 (NSW: School Education) |