
Community Standards Organisation [ 1972 – ]

Full name of organisationCommunity Standards Organisation
Short descriptionThe Festival of Light (FOL) is an organisation dedicated to promoting Christian moral values. Formally established in 1973, its origins lie in earlier advocacy efforts. In 1971, groups opposing the liberalisation of censorship practices were founded in Melbourne and Adelaide. These groups united in 1972 to form the Community Standards Organisation, which later contributed to the creation of the Festival of Light.

Community Standards Organisation

Aims: The organisation seeks to promote high standards of morality and decency in literature, media, photography, advertising, entertainment, and commercial presentations. It aims to influence public opinion on the negative impacts of declining moral standards, especially on adolescents. Additionally, it reviews laws related to obscene and indecent material, advocates for strict enforcement, and recommends legal amendments.

Public Relations Representatives: Jeff Ahern, George Cook, M. Douglas, Julie Greathead, Ross MacLean, Eric Milne, Ray Oberhardt.

This organisation is part of a nationwide coalition affiliated with the Festival of Light.
Start date1972
Organisation typeCommunity Group
Location (places)Queensland, QLD, Australia [ Administrative.State ]
http://webmail.stpeters.org.au/ausanglican/sexuality.shtml https://manuscripts.library.uq.edu.au/index.php/fvf104-c17-3
SourcesAustralian Secularism the Sexual Revolution and the Making of the New Christian Right
Group Affiliation(s)Conservative
IsRelatedToAustralian Federation of Festival of Light [ 1973 – 2008 ]
SecretaryCook, George (Mr)
Linked fromNewsletter: Community Standards News