
RSL : Returned Services League of Australia [ 1916 – ]

Full name of organisationReturned Services League of Australia
Short name / acronymRSL
Short descriptionThe Returned and Services League of Australia (RSL Australia) was formed in 1916, their website states that they were “formed in 1916 in response to the lack of a unified approach to the organisation of repatriation facilities and medical services for those returning from the Great War.”

The RSL is now Australia’a largest Ex-service organisaiton. It has over 100,000 members. Each state branch has sub-branches which allows their services to cover a range of services that are tailored the specific needs of each state and sub-branch.

The main ethos of RSL Australia is compassion and service. It remains their motivating influence. The core mission was and remains to meet the needs of each generation of service men and women.

Start date1916
Organisation typeCommunity Group
Thumbnail or Logo
Location (places)Queensland, QLD, Australia [ Administrative.State ]
Group Affiliation(s)War and Peace
Linked fromThe Ahern Report 1980 (QLD: School Education)