Ahern, Michael John (Mr)
Family name | Ahern |
Short description | Born 2nd of June 1942 in Queensland. Had many roles in Queensland government including premier from the 9th of December until the 25th of September 1989. Premier Ahern introduced a number of social reforms including protection from domestic violence, confiscation of the profits of crime and the redevelopment of the Expo 88 site. Premier Ahern promised to implement all recommendations of the Fitzgerald Inquiry into police corruption. In an effort to introduce accountability to the Queensland Government, he reformed Corrective Services and the Public Service. He also introduced ministerial guidelines, the Members Register of Interests and legislation to establish the Electoral and Administrative Review Commission. A final public sector initiative made by Ahern was the replacement of the Queensland Government Development Authority with the Queensland Treasury Corporation (QTC). After his resignation from parliament on 16 May 1990, he began a successful business career |
Given name(s) | Michael John |
Honorific | Mr |
Gender | Male |
Representative picture | |
Person type | Chairperson |
Linked from | The Ahern Report 1980 (QLD: School Education) |